Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery

  • Extractions, including Wisdom teeth
  • Socket grafting and preservation of bone
  • Grafting - adding bone to enhance implant placement
  • Periodontal/Gum Surgery

IV & Conscious Sedation

Conscious Sedation is defined as a minimally depressed level of consciousness that retains the patient's ability to independently and continuously maintain an airway and respond appropriately to physical stimulation and verbal command, and that is produced by pharmacological or non-pharmacologic method or a combination thereof.

Sedation Dentistry, sometimes called Relaxation Dentistry, refers to the way dentist's manage pain and anxiety during dental appointments.

Unlike General Anesthesia where a patient is completely unconscious, asleep, and unable to respond, patients under Conscious Sedation are able to respond to commands and breathe on their own. 
IV Sedation - Our Recommendation for Oral Surgery

IV Sedation, also known as Moderate/Conscious Sedation, is used by select Dentists with specialized training and certification. With this type of sedation, medications are administered directly into the blood stream. The greatest advantage of IV Sedation is that if someone is not sedated enough, the doctor can administer more medication. IV Sedation is not used commonly in dental offices because of the specialized, advanced training and certification required by the State Board of Dentistry. The medications used for IV Sedation are more effective than the same medications taken orally. There is a more profound amnesia associated with this technique. 

Dr. Weyman and his staff have significant advanced training in IV Sedation. Dr. Weyman has taught hundreds of dentists IV Sedation at some of the top universities in the country. 

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